A Taste of Autumn

Truth be told, when vibrant shades of orange, crimson and gold come out of hiding after the long hot summer, MPM is in her glory. Even though in her area of the country, early autumn temperatures can still be scorching, MPM is busily hunting for her favorite squashes such as butternut and delicata and root vegetables like parsnips, sweet potatoes and golden beets. From the tantalizing aroma of cinnamon and ginger that lingers from her freshly baked pumpkin bread to taking out her favorite fall tablecloths, make no mistake, autumn has arrived in MPM’s house.

MPM invites you to peek into her kitchen to see what’s cooking this fall. One sip of Pumpkin-Peach Cobbler Smoothie will keep you away from those expensive sugary pumpkin latte drinks that are popping up all over. Packed with protein and fiber this smoothie will keep you going for hours. Prep Veggie-Pasta Bake the night before, then just pop it in the oven after your busy day for comfort food at its best. This root veggie duo, Roasted Sweets ‘n Parsnips is so naturally sweet, your family will think they’re eating candy! Autumn Harvest Salad, a gorgeous medley of apples, pears, dried apricots and wild rice will be a unique addition to any weekday dinner as well as upcoming holiday meals. Pumpkin Applesauce Bread is MPM’s latest addition to her gluten-free baking collection. Perfect for backpacks and lunchboxes or toasted with a schmear of cream cheese for a weekend breakfast treat.

So what are you waiting for? Get out to your local markets and explore the beautiful colors, tastes and textures of autumn foods!

Can Meal Planning Maven Help You?

Feel free to contact Meal Planning Maven or visit my website for more information about Food Coaching and Personal Meal Planning services.

And don’t forget to become an MPM Facebook Friend and follow her on Pinterest!

Ceeya next time!

Meal Planning Maven

PS…If you haven’t signed up yet for MPM’s free E-Letter filled with recipes, cooking tips and meal plans, click here. Don’t miss out on all the fun!

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