Mint-Infused Chocolate Chunk Ice Cream

Mint-Infused Chocolate Chunk Ice Cream

Gotta be perfectly frank here… this ice cream doesn’t look or taste like the familiar commercial mint brands you grew up with…and it’s definitely not green! However, if you are a true lover of the incredible taste and fragrance fresh mint imparts on your palette, you absolutely must try making this ice cream! Another surprise awaits as this ultra-creamy ice cream is dairy-free!

Recipe adapted from: Cuisinart ICE-21 Ice Cream Maker’s booklet

Yield: about 1 1/2 quarts
Author: Linda Shapiro, © Meal Planning Maven



  • 1/2 to 1 cup packed fresh mint leaves such as peppermint, spearmint or chocolate mint
  • 2 cans 13.5 ounces unsweetened coconut milk (not “light”)
  • 1/2 to 2/3 cup coconut palm sugar for more info, including alternatives see MPM Mini-Bites
  • Pinch salt
  • 1 tablespoon pure vanilla extract
  • 1 cup chocolate chunks or chips see MPM Mini Bites for recommendations


  • Mint-Infused Coconut Milk: in a medium saucepan over medium-low setting, heat 1 can of coconut milk until just simmering, about 1 minute. Remove from heat and stir in mint leaves. Allow leaves to infuse into the coconut milk for 15 to 25 minutes. (The longer you allow the leaves to infuse, the stronger the mint flavor. Less time is probably better if this is your first experience with fresh mint ice cream!)
  • Base: pour mint-infused coconut milk through a fine-meshed strainer into a medium bowl. (For stronger mint flavor, press leaves against strainer with the back of a spoon.) Discard leaves. Stir in coconut palm sugar and salt. Using a hand mixer on low speed, beat for 1 to 2 minutes or until coconut palm sugar is dissolved. Stir in remaining can of coconut milk and vanilla. (can also use a blender or whisk for mixing all ingredients) Cover; chill for at least 2 hours, preferably overnight if possible.
  • Make Ice Cream: as machines vary, follow the instructions according to your manufacturer’s manual. (This recipe was made using a Cuisinart ICE 21 which is inexpensive, simple to use and makes FANTASTIC ice cream …highly recommended!)
  • A few minutes before ice cream is done (should still be churning, but has slowed down), add chocolate chunks (or chips), allowing to swirl through. If by chance, the ice cream has stopped churning, you can stir in the chocolate chunks or chips after removing from the machine.
  • When ice cream has finished churning, turn off the machine. Serve immediately. If a firmer consistency is desired, place ice cream in a covered freezer-safe container. Freeze for about 2 hours. Remove from freezer about 10 minutes before serving.


Make Ahead and Storage Tips: ice cream may be stored in a covered freezer-safe container for about 3 weeks. (If it lasts that long!…) Allow to soften for about 15 minutes before serving.
*This homemade ice cream contains only pure ingredients and does not have preservatives and stabilizers. Therefore, it will not have the same consistency or freeze as creamy as most store-bought brands. That said, there is nothing like making your own ice cream…hope you try it!!
For mouth-watering recipes (from the traditional to the exotic) as well as everything you need to know about making ice cream (including guidelines for selecting machines) treat yourself to a copy of The Perfect Scoop by David Lebovitz.
Mint Extract Alternative: if you prefer not to use fresh mint, you may use pure mint extract instead. In a medium bowl, using a hand mixer on low speed, beat 1 can coconut milk, coconut palm crystals and salt for 1 to 2 minutes or until coconut palm sugar is dissolved. . Stir in remaining can of coconut milk, vanilla and 1 to 2 teaspoons pure mint extract. Continue as above.
Coconut Palm Sugar: I have been searching for a healthier sweetening alternative for use in desserts and have been experimenting with coconut palm sugar. Brands to look for are Coconut Secret and Wholesome Sweeteners.
Read more about coconut palm sugar here.
If you prefer not to use coconut palm sugar, you can use an equal amount of cane sugar or experiment with alternative healthy sweeteners such as honey and maple syrup.
Unsweetened Coconut Milk: works wonderfully in ice cream recipes if you can’t or prefer not to have dairy. There are several brands readily available including Thai Kitchen and Native Forest. While you may be able to detect a hint of coconut flavor in some ice cream recipes, most you cannot, especially those with dominant flavors such as peanut butter and chocolate.
If you prefer not to use coconut milk, you may swap it with 1 cup whole milk and 2 cups heavy cream. Follow directions above substituting milk for the first can of coconut milk and heavy cream for the second can.
Chocolate Chunks and Chips: the choice is yours as to how healthy you want your chocolate to be! Enjoy Life Foods makes Semi-Sweet Mega Chunks and Mini Chips which are gluten, dairy and soy-free chips that do contain sugar. Sunspire makes a variety of chocolate chips including Grain-Sweetened Dark Chocolate Chips which are sweetened with brown rice syrup solids. They also make Unsweetened Carob Chips which do contain dairy. Ghirardelli makes all-natural 60% Cacao Bittersweet Chocolate Baking Chips which do contain sugar and dairy. For an unsweetened chocolate chip alternative, consider trying raw cacao nibs sold by companies such as TerrAmazon.
Look for all these products in natural food stores such as Whole Foods as well as in some supermarkets.
Other homemade frozen treats you may like are Cocoa-Almond Crunch Ice Cream and Brownie Biscotti Ice Cream Shooters


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