Summery Iced Teas with a Twist
Here in SW Florida, a tall glass of refreshing iced tea is welcomed just about any day of the year! While it’s easy to just make a pitcher of plain iced tea, with a few simple tweaks such as adding fruit juices, citrus and other fresh fruits, herbs and spices you can enjoy a glass of “Wow” any time the temperatures soar.
A Few Basic Iced Teas…
- To 4 cups boiling water, add 4 large sprigs of fresh mint OR 5 mint tea bags. (more if you like your tea extra-minty) Steep for 4 minutes. Discard mint sprigs or tea bags.
- Pour tea into an 8 cup or larger pitcher. Stir in 4 cups cold water. Chill. Serve over ice with fresh mint sprigs.
- To 4 cups boiling water, add 4 to 5 tea bags of your choice. (or more depending on desired strength) Steep for 4 minutes. Discard tea bags.
- Pour tea into an 8 cup or larger pitcher. Stir in 2 cups cold water and 2 cups unsweetened 100% pomegranate juice (like POM). Chill. Serve over ice.
- To 4 cups of almost boiling water, add 4 to 5 green tea bags. (or more depending on desired strength) Steep for 4 minutes. Discard tea bags.
- Pour tea into an 8 cup or larger pitcher. Stir in 4 cups cold water. Chill. Serve over ice.
Note on Sweetening:
- These iced teas are prepared without sweetening. However, if you like your iced tea sweeter, stir natural honey (to taste) into the hot steeped tea. (If you try to stir honey into chilled tea, it will settle to the bottom and not dissolve.)
Some of the tantalizing and refreshing combos you can make… (see photo)
Mint Iced Tea Combos:
- Follow directions above for making Mint Iced Tea.
- Before serving, drop a few berries (blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, etc.) into each glass. Top with a mini-skewer of berries. Garnish with a fresh mint sprig.
- Follow directions above for making Mint Iced Tea except add the juice of 1 to 2 limes with the cold water.
- Drop a few cucumber slices into each glass; garnish with a cucumber wedge or spear and a sprig of fresh mint.
Green Iced Tea Combos:
Thyme after Time
- Follow directions above for making Green Iced Tea except steep tea bags with 6 sprigs of fresh thyme. After steeping, discard tea bags and thyme. Stir in the juice of 1 lemon with the cold water.
- At serving time, add a few sprigs of fresh thyme to each glass before pouring tea.
Tropical Zing
- Follow directions above for making Green Iced Tea, except steep a 1-inch piece of peeled fresh ginger, quartered, with the tea bags. After steeping, discard ginger and tea bags. Stir in the juice of 1 to 2 limes with the cold water.
- Before serving, drop a few pieces of pineapple and mango into each glass. Top each glass with a mini-skewer of a lime wedge, pineapple and mango.
Pomegranate Iced Tea Combos:
- Follow directions above for making Pomegranate Iced Tea, except steep tea with 4 large sprigs of basil. Discard tea bags and basil sprigs.
- Garnish each glass with a fresh sprig of basil.
Pomegranate-Melon Tease
- Follow directions above for making Pomegranate Iced Tea.
- Before serving, drop a few cubes of melon (watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew, etc.) into each glass. Top each glass with a mini-skewer of melon balls and a lime wedge.
Try switching up your herbs by infusing your hot tea with fresh sage, rosemary and lavender sprigs! Steeping vanilla or cardamom pods or cinnamon sticks also adds a wonderful pop of flavor.