Cleaning Up Your Food Act: Pack a Better Lunch

Start with MPM’s NEW Pack ‘n Go Lunch Favorites with bunches of quick ‘n healthy recipes! If you made a New Year’s resolution to “clean up your food act,” how are you doing? Did you start out like gangbusters, only to fall prey to too many office breakfast goodies, fast food lunches and happy hours? Still looking in the mirror wondering if you’ll ever lose that tummy before Summer?

My spin on New Year’s diet resolutions is this: don’t make them, cuz’ ten-to-one you’ll break them!

For the minute, let’s tackle the lunch temptations at work dilemma. Let me share a little MPM wisdom here… It’s what you do most days of the year that matters most. So instead of declaring every January 1st an all-out war against going out to lunch or resigning yourself to the same few boring brown bag “diet” lunches, why not take MPM’s more practical lifestyle approach? Ya gotta admit, it’s a lot more fun!

I could talk all day about the subject of food deprivation and how it can trip up the best intentions. The key to not giving into too many calorie and fat- laden choices, is to bring a fun, yet healthy lunch to work most days of the week. This means promising not to bring typical “ho-hum” foods (like cheese sticks and an empty calorie but oh- so- easy to grab “100 calorie” snack) that will cause you to ditch your lunch and gorge on that popular Chinese buffet near work.

It’s all about making choices and MPM’s Pack ‘n Go Lunch Favorites can help.

Enticing selections such as Chewy-Choco Protein Bars, Mexican Jumping Bean Chili, Shrimp Cobb Salad, Signature Gazpacho, Chunky Apple Muffins, Mini Fruit Kabobs and many more!

No time to prep? Don’t miss MPM’s favorite Brown Bag Lunches!

If you eat smart lunches most days, then when you’re invited to celebrate your co-worker’s birthday pizza lunch, you can choose to indulge without guilt. Why? Because you made the choice for the rest of the week to either bring a healthy lunch from home or eat out intelligently by ordering something like a salad with grilled chicken or shrimp. Of course, you may just decide to forgo the birthday pizza and order a salad instead. After all, it’s having a good time with friends that counts, not the food!

What? You’re telling me you are too tired from working all week to spend a few minutes planning healthy lunches to take to work? Well, you literally have no excuses now, because I am sharing with you a collection of MPM’s Pack ‘n Go Lunch Favorites. (featuring many dishes that “pull double-duty” with delicious dinners that make enough leftovers for lunch!) Even if you’re a minimalist when it comes to your brown bag lunches, MPM guarantees you’ll find a bunch in this collection that work. Just pick a few, do a little food shopping and then wave bye-bye to boring work lunches!

With Meal Planning Maven’seasy prep- lunches on the run, healthy fast food takes on a whole new meaning. If you make an effort to adopt some of these simple suggestions, you will you look forward to wearing your Spring clothes. You will also be very proud of yourself for learning to incorporate these helpful tools into your lunchtime routine. Maintaining a healthy eating lifestyle takes commitment as we struggle to balance our time between work, family and personal obligations. These are small but very important steps towards forging a path to a lifetime of healthy eating without deprivation.


Can You Become a Meal Planning Maven Success Story?

YES! Contact me for more information about my services. I would love to share my healthy eating secrets you can use, today, tomorrow and always. My specialties include creating customized meal planners and one- on- one food coaching using tried ‘n true methods. Whether your goals are to feed your family healthier meals, build a collection of quick ‘n easy recipes, “go gluten-free,” or perhaps knock off that pesky Winter “pudge” …I’d LOVE to help!


“Get Social” with MPM!

Visit MPM’s Website! Here you will find bunches of healthy and delicious meal plans for daily use and menus for special occasions. And do check out MPM’s Recipe Collections including Freezer-Friendly Dishes, Pudge-Busting Recipes, Favorite Crockpot Dishes and MORE!


Ceeya next Time!

Linda Shapiro, Meal Planning Maven

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