A New Year and a New YOU: Pudge-Busting Recipe Favorites + a Fabulous Plan!

Let’s Chat… So, Jan. 1st was here and gone and again I hear lots of “buzz” from those “freaking” over packing on too many pesky pounds over the holidays. Indulged a bit too much? Got the scale blues yet again? Can’t zip your favorite jeans? To help drop that annoying “holiday plump,” hop over to MPM’s Pudge-Busting Recipe Collection!

Oh, and I urge you to check out my favorite tried ‘n true plan for waving goodbye to excess holiday pounds and inches. Read my personal story about the AMAZING SUCCESS I had with this easy to follow results-driven plan! Contact me for more info and to discover how I can personally coach you to achieve the results you crave!
Disclosure: Although I participate in the affiliate program of this company, all opinions are my own. Please consult your medical professional before beginning any weight reduction program.


Pudge-Busting Recipes Sneak Peek








Finally… Do Heed Meal Planning Maven’s Golden Pudge-Busters
 1. Don’t be fooled by the latest crash diet…they almost never work. Any weight lost often comes right back after normal eating is resumed.
 2. Create reasonable goals. You didn’t put the weight on overnight, so don’t expect it will magically disappear just as fast.
 3. Record your goals and progress. Get yourself a journal and use it. It has been proven people who are successful at losing weight and keeping it off record their journey every step of the way.
 4. Get rid of the junk. Give your fridge, freezer and pantry a makeover, getting rid of the holiday excess. Fill your shelves with fresh fruits and veggies, lean proteins and healthy snacks.
 5. No skipping breakfast, please. Cutting out the first meal of the day not only may make you feel crabby, but also feeling so hungry by the afternoon that you will wind up scarfing down many more calories than if you had eaten breakfast.
 6. Water is a huge appetite buster. Before you binge on sugary snacks, ask yourself if you are truly hungry. Chances are you’re just thirsty, so drink up! Your skin will thank you too.
 7. Beware of diet saboteurs. We all have them in our lives… family, friends and co-workers always urging you to eat “just one cookie.” Simply say…“I have food allergies and this food makes me sick.” Works every time!
 8. Find another best friend besides your scale. Unlike a true best friend, the scale may let you down, especially if it won’t budge. Take your measurements regularly or judge success by how you look and feel.
 9. Get out there and move. Find a balance between aerobic and resistance training that works for you. This is not rocket science, but it works. Plus, exercise is fun and a real stress-buster.
10. Mini-indulgences are great rewards. Get in the habit of treating yourself. Not with chocolate cake mind you, but what about a nice massage, or a new pair of skinny jeans?

So don’t hide behind your bulky winter sweaters and sweats, delaying dumping your muffin top until warmer temperatures prevail! Take control of your eating NOW so you’ll be ready to embrace the change of season and the rest of 2016 as a healthier and slimmer YOU!

Coming to the Blog: Sheet Pan Chicken ‘n Root Vegetables

Can You Become a Meal Planning Maven Success Story?

Contact me to find out more! I am excited to share my passion and skills for creating easy, healthy and cost-effective meal ideas, recipes and smart-eating strategies with you. My specialties include creating customized meal collections and one-on-one food coaching using tried ‘n true methods. Whether you are single, empty nesters, or have kids at home, I will show you how incorporating simple planning, shopping and cooking tricks into your daily routine can give you back the precious free time you deserve.
Together, we will give your meals a healthy makeover, using my collection of oodles of easy and yummy recipes. We can also work on strategies for taming snack attacks, making cleaner choices at restaurants, office, school and social gatherings. Or perhaps you would like to learn how to stock a clean pantry fridge and freezer?
Interested? Please contact me. I look forward to hearing from you!

MPM’s Success Stories

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If you enjoy my blog posts, please take a moment to leave me a comment. Find a recipe you love? Then do drop me a note! For your convenience, there is a section located at the end of each post. Thanks so much for your support!

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Linda Shapiro, Meal Planning Maven

18 Responses

  1. Tweet me when this new recipe comes to the blog it looks delish! @theeleanorprior
    • Linda Shapiro (Meal Planning Maven)
      Hi Eleanor! Thanks for stopping by. Here is the link to all the Pudge-Busting recipes...enjoy and Happy New Year! https://mealplanmaven.com/recipe-collection/pudge-busting-collection/
  2. You are a genius at showing people that eating healthfully is not only about "quality of life", but scrumptious and delish to boot. All these recipes would be on my "to do" list...healthy or not. They look (and I bet) taste fantastic. Great post for the New Year.
    • Linda Shapiro (Meal Planning Maven)
      Can I tell you Kc that you absolutely have my day? I am smiling from ear to ear after reading your beautiful words! It's so nice to know that all my hard work is so appreciated my friend!
  3. You create such delicious recipes, Linda. I want to come for dinner at your house!
    • Linda Shapiro (Meal Planning Maven)
      Anytime Nancy...and thank you so much!
  4. Definitely plan on following your list for helping me to loose weight. Thanks for sharing.
    • Linda Shapiro (Meal Planning Maven)
      My pleasure and good luck with your weight loss plan. I hope my recipes will provide some great inspiration for you and do let me know which ones you try!
  5. Perfect timing my friend!! These will be so helpful for my clean eating challenge!!! THANK YOU!!
    • Linda Shapiro (Meal Planning Maven)
      Fantastic!! Let me know which recipes you try!
  6. Boy do I need these ideas!
    • Linda Shapiro (Meal Planning Maven)
      Take your pick my friend...so many goodies to choose from! No food deprivation allowed here! :)
  7. Your Pudge Busting recipes look amazing, Linda and I love your Golden Budge-Busters! You've really equipped everyone with the tools to get started. Your coaching programme sounds fantastic too. Thank you for bringing this post to the Hearth and Soul Hop. Sharing!
    • Linda Shapiro (Meal Planning Maven)
      My pleasure April. And thank you so much for your kind comments and for hosting the Hearth and Soul Hop. I am so appreciative of your support!
  8. Erica s
    And I have some Pudge busting to do too! Great round up thank you, I needed these recipes!
    • Linda Shapiro (Meal Planning Maven)
      Oh I hear ya my friend! We will "pudge-bust" together!
  9. That is very nice collection, thanks for sharing with Hearth and soul blog hop, pinning.
    • Linda Shapiro (Meal Planning Maven)
      My pleasure Swathi. And thank you so much for hosting the Hearth and Soul Hop as well as for pinning my recipes.