On the Menu for Easter and Passover

Gosh it’s really been a long, cold and very snowy winter for so many hasn’t it? You can definitely tell it’s been a tough winter as here in SW Florida, we’re having just the most fantastic tourist season! For those of you that are “winter-weary,” hopefully by the end of March, your thoughts can turn toward warmer temperatures, budding leaves and the emergence of the beautiful colors of Spring.

Naturally with the arrival of Spring, comes two of our most favorite holidays, Easter and Passover, each with its own special foods and family traditions. When thinking about this year’s Easter and Passover dinner menus, MPM has been mindful of the cries of overindulgence she has been hearing when it comes to this winter’s eating. Perhaps the cold is to blame, keeping us inside instead of hitting the gym or burning calories through favorite outdoor activities. For some, a feeling of apathy or even lethargy has persisted, causing healthy eating plans to be relegated to the back burner in favor of too many convenience foods and visits to the fast food lane. Always up to a challenge, MPM was determined to create dishes for both holidays that were light and healthy, while still embracing many of the flavors, colors and traditions we look forward to.

Whether you celebrate these wonderful holidays, or are just looking for some creative, fun and healthy Spring dishes, do check out MPM’s Easter and Passover dinner menus.

Highlights from the Easter Dinner Menu include Asparagus Ribbon Salad with Lemony Vinaigrette, Herb-Crusted Turkey Breast, Penne with Roasted Vegetables, Sauté of Rainbow Chard with Apples, Apricot ‘n Lemon Glazed Carrots> and Dried Cherry ‘n Pistachio Biscotti.

From the Passover Dinner Menu you won’t want to miss MPM’s Classic Jewish Chicken Soup, Artichoke ‘n Hearts of Palm Salad, Citrus-Poached Salmon with Tzatziki, Holiday Tzimmes, No-Noodle Veggie Kugel and an MPM family tradition, Passover Apple Crisp.

Both holiday menus feature an Array of Mini Fruit Kabobs with Chunky Strawberry Yogurt Dip as a light and colorful ending to a beautiful celebration meal.

Please don’t be shy about “borrowing” recipes from either of the menus as many of the dishes can be enjoyed during both holidays.

Happy Holidays and Happy Spring!

Can Meal Planning Maven Help You?

Feel free to contact Meal Planning Maven or visit my website for more information about Food Coaching and Personal Meal Planning services.

And don’t forget to become an MPM Facebook Friend and follow her on Pinterest!

Ceeya Next Time!

Meal Planning Maven

PS…If you haven’t signed up yet for MPM’s free E-Letter filled with recipes, cooking tips and meal plans, click here. Don’t miss out on all the fun!

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